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Tales of Swimming Pool  and  The Inner City  screened at 3rd Singapore Indie Doc Fest, in Experimental section, on monday, the 16th of March, 2009

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Omer Fast, an internationally recognized video artist, presents two of his video installation in Rymer Gallery at SAIC from October 25, 2008 – Janurart 3, 2009, The Casting and the U.S. premiere of Looking Pretty for God (After GW).

“Also showing will be the four-channel video The Casting, which intertwines two narratives told  to Fast by an American soldier: the story of a destructive love affair in Germany, and an  accidental killing in Iraq. Combining near–tableau vivant portrayals of what appear to be  scenes from the narratives on one side of the screens, projected onto the reverse are  documentary-style shots of Fast, as interviewer, and the soldier as raconteur. In a February  2008 profile of the artist, Artforum wrote about the work, “what is really unsettling is the fact that the images inhabit a liminal space between stasis and animation… With growing  discomfiture, the viewer of The Casting is forced to confront the question of not only what these pictures show but, more pressingly, of what these pictures are. Whatever narratives its imagery suggest, in other words, The Casting forces one into an ontological quandary.”

–  quoted from Rymer Gallery.

+Click on the picture for more detail about this artist and video installation.

How are you Halfelephant?

The trunk